For the Love of SPANIELS...
Your Furry Friends!
The journey of becoming and being a puppy/dog owner doesn't need to be scary...let us help you find the right dog and forever family friend. We can also help you discover training tips, grooming habits, accessories, food and more!
If you love a traditional SPANIEL or one of the new "DESIGNER DOGS" perhaps my love the SPROCKER then you're in the right place...a community of like minded SPANIEL owners. No matter what your spaniel choice it's the right one...
There are over 20 different breeds of SPANIELS some 'traditional breeds' and then there are the DESIGNER DOGS!....
Although my speciality is SPANIELS I would love to help you find your FOREVER PET whatever breed I will help you locate asap!
We are a Puppy Adoption breeder & Puppy club with subscription box seasonally.
Sprockers & Spaniels
Our Story
My name is MICHELE and I'm a very proud SPANIEL and SPROCKER owner and they are truly my BEST FRIENDS. I love breeding puppies for others adding to their families and when I don't have my own puppies I enjoy searching and matching you with just the right one.
Let's do this together and ensure you find your FOREVER FRIEND!
What We Do
This website is to help you LOCATE, SHIP and TRAIN your FURRY FRIEND
It's my desire to help you along the way...
If you need to find a puppy, place a puppy up for adoption or have a puppy shipped let's talk!
The Puppy Quiz
Have a bit of fun and enjoy our puppy matching quiz ...